The word of scholarship carries a very different meaning in India as compared to abroad. In India, scholarships are given to economically backward students by the government to encourage education amongst those groups. Also, scholarships are given on a cast basis to encourage the socially backward people to get educated and be in the mainstream. Outside India, Scholarships for Education abroad are entirely different. Mainly scholarships are divided into three categories fellowships, tuition waivers, and campus jobs.
There are three types of fellowships given i.e. graduate assistantship, teaching assistantship, research assistantship. In graduate assistantship, the student has helped many professors or university departments in classical work. The student helps the professor in evaluating papers, assignments. Such a professor may be teaching to lower classes than the graduate assistant. In teaching assistantship, the student is allowed to teach the student in lower classes than his. In a research assistantship, the beneficiary student is allowed to join the research lab under a scientist professor and gets handsome remuneration.
A tuition waiver is another type of scholarship. In tuition waivers, ‘students’ tuition fee is waived in percentage. For example, a 25% tuition waiver means the student has to pay only 75% of his tuition. These tuition waivers are available as 25%, 50%, 75%, and maybe up to 100%. The question you might be wondering that how to get hands-on with it. Well! The answer to that is to keep your first-semester result good. These scholarships can only be obtained once you prove yourself. Nobody will offer you fellowship and tuition waivers based on your documents only.
The third part of obtaining funding is to get a campus job. In big universities with big campuses, there is a constant need for manpower. So, they offer students a part-time job. In this way, students get funding help and the university gets manpower at a comparatively lower rate. These campus jobs are designed as per the rule that students can manage their curriculums unbothered. These jobs may be available in university departments like cafe areas, dormitories, student assistance department gyms, library, housing department, etc.
These Scholarships for Education Abroad and funding options are not always available immediately after admission. Many times student has to wait for the first semester to show their performance. After the satisfactory results, they can have the benefits of education abroad scholarships.