Opportunities For Abroad Study and Career in Australia

Educational costs are quite reasonable at the master’s level in USA. There are universities offering programs at $ 6,000 – $ 8,000 per year and at the same time, some universities have a fee of around $ 30,000. Costs vary, depending upon the program, university and location.
Interestingly, financial aid is comparatively easier to obtain at this level. Aid could be in several forms – partial or full tuition waiver, in-state tuition, scholarship, assistantships etc. are awarded to international students based on merit – and not on need. Since most applicants cannot demonstrate comparable and measurable merit while applying, universities prefer to consider aid from the second semester or second year onwards, based on funding availability. Almost 75% of Master’s level international students get aid in some form or the other, mainly in tuition waivers, scholarships and tuition & research assistantships.
In order to offset the costs, LANGUE-TECH assists with educational loan programs. There are some organizations which provide educational loans for up to $ 45,000 per year, without mortgage or guarantor. For more details about this exciting loan program feel free to contact us.

Accreditation of colleges/universities is very important in choosing the right institution, since that ensures uniformity in curriculum, proper designing of courses, meeting the infrastructure needs, proper faculty and facilities etc. Six Regional Accrediting associations provide accreditation in six regions of USA – Middle States, New England, North Central, Northwest, Southern and Western. Whereas, National Accrediting Associations such as ACICS, AABC, ATS, DETC etc., provide specialized accrediting for various programs in technology, biblical studies, distance education etc.

– Dr. Deepak Patil – Abroad Education Consultant
Mob: +91-9421568563

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