Opportunities For Abroad Study and Career in Canada

Once you have made a decision to study in Canada, collect as much information as possible on all aspects involved and you will need at least six months to plan and prepare for your move.

Let us first talk about Planning. Before you apply for your student visa or “Visitor visa”, you must have

  • A valid passport,
  • A letter of acceptance from a Canadian school,
  • Proof that you have enough money to support yourself and your dependents for your entire stay in Canada.
  • A letter from your sponsoring organization if you are being sponsored and a medical clearance, if required.

Canadian Colleges & Universities

Each Canadian university, university college, technical School or community college sets its own requirements. The registrars of these schools can provide information on tuition fees, health insurance, scholarships, accommodation and living expenses and language requirements.

Tuition Fees

Every student in Canada has to pay tuition fees. The fees vary from school to school and from year to year. (The registrar will help you determine the fees required.)


Canada has two official languages: English and French. You will need to know one or the other to follow course lectures and reading assignments. Some post-secondary schools might ask you to take a language test. Language requirements are set by each school.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is a must. Medical, hospital and dental care in Canada can be expensive. As a foreign student, you are not insured for these expenses by the Canadian federal government. Candidates must confirm whether the school provides health insurance for International students.

Financial Support

You must be able to prove you can support yourself and your dependents before a student authorization can be issued. A letter from your bank, a bank draft or a letter from your source of funding will show CIC officials that you can afford to pay your expenses. The cost of living in Canada varies from province to province. CIC officials in your country will tell you approximately what it will cost to live in the province where you will be attending school. For a character reference to be accepted by CIC officials, you must prove you are a responsible person and that you have no criminal record. You may be asked to provide evidence of this through your local authorities.

Health standards

You must be in good health. You may be asked for a medical certificate if you have been living in a country with a high health risk.

Student Authorization

Once you have all the letters and documents required, you may apply for your student authorization. The student authorization allows you to study in Canada. Keep it with your passport. Your student authorization may specify terms and conditions that govern your stay in Canada. Your student authorization for post-secondary study should be valid for the duration of your course of studies.

Arrival in Canada

On your arrival in Canada, you must show CIC officials the following documents: your student authorization, a valid passport, a valid visitor visa if required and any letters or papers used to obtain your student authorization. If any documents are missing or incorrect, you could be refused admission to Canada.

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

As a foreign student studying in Canada, you are eligible for certain customs benefits, including the temporary importation into Canada of your household and personal effects. However, a number of conditions apply. We provide our clients with a comprehensive information package in this regards.

Working in Canada

Foreign students may be allowed to work while attending school. You may be allowed to work if you meet one of the following requirements: you want to work as a graduate assistant and your employment is part of a course of study, such as a work term during the year, as in cooperative programs; you want to work on campus, or you want to work after graduation in a study-related job for up to one year. Your spouse may also be allowed to apply for employment authorization. If you work without an employment authorization, you may be in violation of the Immigration Act, and you may be required to leave Canada.

– Dr. Deepak Patil – Abroad Education Consultant
Mob: +91-9421568563

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